A worldwide electronic communication medium for sellers of receivables and investors. We provide data rooms for the secure exchange of information.
As an investor you can find information at any time wherever you are about the performance of your portfolios. You only need a web browser or a smartphone.
Your benefits
- You have direct access to all transaction documents, worldwide and around the clock.
- You can "download and upload" transaction data.
- We will notify you immediately about new reports online or send them to you on request by email.
- The Web Portal works with the latest protection and encryption technologies as well as the latest industry standard for electronic data exchange.
- A secure authentication system ensures that only authorised persons may gain access.
- In the integrated electronic suite, you can share documents securely between authorised persons.
- Using the Reporting cockpit, you can get a quick summary, concerning the current figures of your portfolio.
- You can view the life cycle of individual receivables or specific contracts.
- Support automated machine to machine (M2M short) communication.